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A library is said to be the heart and soul of a college. The quality of education given in a college can be roughly judged from the type of books and conducive environment in its library. Building along do not reflect the quality. Every college must have a good library. Melamora College library was started in 1987. In the beginning,it had a small room and only a few books there. Gradually number of collection as well as services have been improved.
Now there are 7000 books, 2 newspapers, 1 magazine in our library. Faculties and office staffs have membership with the admitted students in the college library. We have been awarding the “BEST LIBRARY USER” among the users to promote reading habits and it is distributed on the Library Day. The library also published handwritten magazine “GRANTHAKUTY” with collection from students and faculty members. Considering the fact that majority of the users belong to economically poor families the library takes extra care of them.
❖ To promote the use of various sources of information and knowledge among the users.
❖ To support study and research by providing perpetual access to information resources.
❖ To collect consolidate and circulate information and knowledge to students and other academic communities.
❖ To preserve, protect and reuse the invaluable collection for its users.
Library advisory committee, Melamora college library
As per direction of the DHE, Guwahati, Assam Melamora college library constituted LIBRARY ADVISORY COMMITTEE under the chairmanship of the Principal. The Librarian should be the Convener of that committee. This committee sits twice in a year for discussing all round development of the library. This committee has been constitute as follows....
President : Principal
Convener : Librarian
Member : Vice Principal,
IQAC Co- coordinator,
Assistant Librarian,
All HODs and Library staff
Aims, Power and Function of Advisory committee
▪ To finalize working hours & days of the library.
▪ To tack decision on the policy matters relating to the management of the library.
▪ To discuss in detail on the growth of the library particularly space,cleanliness, furniture, toilet, damage due to fire, water etc.
▪ To discuss any other problem the librarian may confront in running daily activities of the library.
▪ The Library Advisory Committee has the power, only to advice for execution of decisions taken in the meeting and review the same.
Library Membership
The library services are open to registered members. The following categories of persons are eligible to enroll as members of the library.
Category Eligible Groups
Undergraduate course Registered undergraduate student of Melamora College
Faculty Teaching Staff of MM college
Staff Administrative and Technical staff and all other office staff
Only registered members can borrow books from the library. The following table provides borrowing privileges for various categories of members and collection.
Collection Type Category Book Entitlement Duration
Undergraduate course 2 7 Days
Faculty 5 15 Days
Non teaching staff 3 10 days
Working Hours
Working HoursThe library is open six days a week ( Monday to Saturday).It remain closed on all Sundays and Dibrugarh University Holidays.Lending services are available from 9 AM to 4 PM.
Code of conduct in the library
❖ The readers ticket will be issued for one academic year only.
❖ Book must be return within the stipulated periods.
❖ Readers should be carefully examine the books issued to them before leaving the library.
❖ Any conversation, smoking and making noise are strictly prohibited inside the library.
❖ Readers are required to maintain the order of the books on the shelves.
The library rules may be changed when it necessary.
Print collection
The library has a total collection of about 7000 printed volumes including text books and reference. Books are organized in shelves in various collections.
Question paper
past years question papers are available in the library. User can make photocopy of relevant papers.
➢ Reading room
➢ Reference service
Annual Report
Library advisory committee
President : Mr. Sanjib Kr. Boruah, Principal
Convener : Mrs. Gitanjali Saikia , Librarian
Member : Mrs. Juri Baruah, vice Principal
Mr. Luhit Nath, IQAC Co-coordinator
Mrs. Ila Bora, Asst. Librarian
All HoDs nd Library Staff.A
o Opening hour - 9 am to 4pm
o Total collection of book – 7000
o Daily Newspaper – 2
o Print journal – 1
o Magazine - 1
o Library staff – 4
1.Handwritten Magazin
2.Library day celebration
3.Best user award
A magazine enriched the Knowledge of the students. Likewise a handwritten magazine by the students of 3rd semester B.A SEC under the guidance of “Library and Information Science Dept..” has been released on 16/12/2021 by the honourable Principal of Melamora college Mr. Sanjib kr. Boruah. Named as “GRANTHAKUTY” the magazine reveals the skills of the students. Mrs. Malobika Kakoty, the chief guest of the programme delivered her speech about the importance of magazine for the students to increase their reading habit. All the teachers and students participated in the programme and make it a successful one.